Aquacise is water exercise, a light to moderate aerobic workout in shallow water. We have three separate classes — MWF morning, Tue/Thu morning and Tue/Thu evening — available for people to enjoy. This program can increase cardiovascular endurance, core strength and flexibility. Aquatic exercise benefits everyone but especially those with joint-mobility deficits and/or those compromised with land-exercise challenges.

MWF $60 monthly / $175 quarterly membership
Tu/Th $50 monthly / $145 quarterly membership
Mon / Wed / Fri — 9-10 AM
Class is currently FULL
Call to get on the waiting list.
Do NOT pay before registering.
Aquacise Instructor
Linda Belcher
My name is Linda, and I am teaching the water aerobics classes at Pallottine Renewal Center. I have been a part of the water-aerobics classes at Pallottine since 2006 and have been teaching the class since 2008. We stopped classes because of the pandemic but are now back at it! Each class participant is free to work as their own body dictates. I invite anyone who would like to improve their physical, mental and spiritual health to join us.
Tue / Thu — 9-10 AM
Class is currently FULL.
Call to get on the waiting list.
Do NOT pay before registering.
Aquacise Instructor
Kathy Costello
I’m a lifelong North County girl and happy to be part of the Pallottine team! I retired this past fall after 24 years at Russo’s Catering. My husband, Don, and I have three daughters and six grandchildren. We will work at a pace that is easily adjusted to your own level of comfort as you enjoy your time in the terrific pool at Pallottine … together building stronger bodies, minds and spirits.
Tue / Thu — 6-7 PM
Now accepting registrations to join.
Do NOT pay before registering.
Aquacise Instructor
Hi, I’m Rebecca, and I lead the Tuesday-Thursday evening Aquacise class at Pallottine. I joined the evening class last year and quickly fell in love with this organization. I have been blessed both physically and mentally by doing this Aquacise Class. The water is great. Come join us!
May attend one class or many – no refund for missed classes.
Payments should be made prior to the 1st of the month to secure registration.